SNG Celebrates Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary


This year the Seward Neighborhood Group (SNG) and the Minneapolis Park Board areasking residents to celebrate our social distancing Earth Day by participating in a Do-It-Yourself (DYI) event.  SNG wants everyone to stay safe and healthy, but residents still can participate in this “virtual” Earth Day by collecting trash on their own or nearby blocks.  SNG’s request is for folks to bring a garbage bag on a walk in the neighborhood and collect any trash or debris cluttering our neighborhood.  People are advised to wear gloves /masks and, of course, maintain a safe 6 foot social distance.
Here is what to do:

  1. Collect and bag trash while walking on your block or in nearby areas.
  2. Budget an hour or so between this coming Saturday, April 18 and Saturday, April  25 to perform your collection – actual Earth Day is April 22.
  3. Take a photo of yourself and your collected trash bag(s) to send to SNG. Hold our downloadable poster  Then, dispose of your collected trash in your own residential garbage cart.
  4. Post your picture(s) on Facebook with the #MplsDIYEarthDay on the Mpls Parks Earth Day Facebook Page Minneapolis Earth Day Clean Up and Seward’s Facebood event Page
  5. 5). Send your picture(s) to  SNG will include your photo into a SNG collage and also forward the photos to the Park Board.
  6. Recommended –  Please try to include your own comments or hashtag “#Seward #MplsDIYEarthDay” to creatively celebrate Earth Day.  Alternatively, folks could also hold a sign while taking the photo commemorating Earth Day.

We have a few areas that could use some extra love.  Consider spending some time in the following areas:

  • All of Franklin Avenue
  • 9th Street by Highway 94
  • All along the Midtown Greenway
  • The lower areas of the river gorge

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