Community Development Committee Meeting 2/9 at 7pm

Seward Neighborhood Group – Community Development Committee

February 9, 2021 | 7:00-8:30pm  

Zoom Link:

Link to CDC materials

Agenda: Revised

7:00 Preliminaries 

  • Introductions: please place your name (first and last) on the Zoom screen for reference in the minutes as well as the ability to identify you in the conversations.
  • Approve January Minutes

7:10 Presentations & Reports

The SNG Board passed the TOPA recommendation from January

The SNG Board passed the NRP funds reallocation recommendations from January

  • Ward Offices (Robin, Cam, Jamal)

Specific Questions: 1) How is TOPA proceeding in the City Council

2) What needs to be done, on a temporary basis at least, regarding the continuing encroachment into the neighborhood with commercial truck parking

  • Seward Redesign (Chris Romano)

7:45 Actions & Discussions

  1. Vote on Committee Charter (Purpose & Structure) document

(current active members on the committee: Alexander Lopez-Rivera, SNG Board Member; Sheldon Mains; Lisa Boehlke; Mike Trdan; Peter D’Ascoli, Chair and Chris 

Romano, representing Seward Redesign) 

  1. Vote on tenant housing equity training in partnership with Home LINE
  2. Vote on a letter of support for Big River Yoga Rezoning


  • Transportation Working Group (Sheldon): update since last meeting
  • Agra: Report by Sam from the site visit in NE Minneapolis


maintaining open communication between Agra and the CDC/SNG 

Letter of appreciation and limited support based on further conversations

  1. SNG Work Plan for 2021: update for the CDC section, present progress

Community Infrastructure section

8:30 Adjourn

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