National Night Out

National Night Out is coming up! National Night Out is an annual nationwide event that encourages residents to get out in the community, holding block parties and getting to know their neighbors is a way to encourage crime prevention and create community. It’s a great way to enjoy a Minnesota summer evening surrounded by friends and family. NNO is celebrated the first Tuesday evening in August every year.  In 2017 it falls on Tuesday, August 1st.  Every block club event is individually planned.  NNO out parties range from an informal potluck in someone’s yard to a closed off street with more formal games and activities.

SNG provides resources for block club leaders to help organize their events including a gift bag with donations from local businesses.  Other neighborhood resources include Welna II provides each block club with a bag of goodies to raffle off and Seward Co-op has a limited amount of gift certificates to give to block leaders. Please contact for more information.