Census Update from Hennepin County

April 1 Is Official Census Kickoff Day!

Today is the official Census Kickoff Day. We had hoped to mark the occasion with community celebrations and a rally at the capitol. But even if we can’t gather to celebrate together right now, the best way to kick off the Census is to complete it today!

While we are working together to stay home and slow the spread of COVID-19, participating in the 2020 Census is a practical thing we can all do right now to help our community. The information collected from all of us will determine the resources available to us for the next ten years – for healthcare, education, housing, transportation, emergency services and other vital programs.

How to complete the census Online:
If you received an invitation in the mail
– Go to https://my2020census.gov/
– Enter your unique census ID number you received in the mail

If you don’t have the unique census ID
– You can still complete your census online
– Go to https://my2020census.gov/
– Type in your address and the census ID number should come up

By phone Call the toll-free number: 844-330-2020.

For more information • https://census2020-hennepin.hub.arcgis.com/
• Or text your questions to 662020 (We Count MN)

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