Interested in low waste holidays?
Take Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling’s survey on how your waste generation and purchasing behaviors have changed since March. The responses are anonymous and will serve as a guide for developing community outreach and educational messaging for 2021. The survey will close December 20th at 11:59 p.m. but don’t wait, fill it out today. Take the survey.
Email to let us know if you’re interested in a short presentation with tips for having a low waste holiday season.
Climate action survey for Hennepin County residents
About the plan
Hennepin County is developing a climate action plan with initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strategies to adapt to our changing climate in ways that reduce vulnerabilities and ensure a more equitable and resilient Hennepin County.
The plan will serve as the foundation for the county’s coordinated approach to planning, policy development, and responses to climate change.
Survey to gather feedback from residents
The climate action survey is a chance for Hennepin County residents to:
- Reflect on the impacts they have experienced from climate change.
- Share what they value that is being threatened by climate change.
- Provide feedback on the county’s priorities for responding to climate change.
- Tell us what they think we need to do to create a climate-friendly future.
The survey will be open until Friday, December 4.