Community Development Committee

goals & Purpose
  • Facilitates initiatives to improve the built environment, infrastructure, amenities, and services in the Seward neighborhood.
  • Represents and promotes the Seward neighborhood to developers, government agencies, and other parties.
  • Reviews potential developments and improvements and makes recommendations for action.
regularly on the agenda:
  • Updates from Redesign, Inc. staff about on-going redevelopment projects.
  • Discussions about local transportation issues  (26th Avenue traffic, etc.)
  • Discussions about local land use issues (e.g. truck parking, former Perkin.s site, etc.)
  • Updates about public space improvement initiatives (e.g. 36th ART, Normanna Triangle, etc.)
join us for a meeting

The Community Development Committee meets most months at 7:00pm on the 2nd Tuesdays of each month via Zoom or in-person at the Redesign Office, 2619 E. Franklin Ave. 

If you are interested in attending or joining the Community Development Committee or have questions, please send an email to  

“Community Development Committee meeting in December 2023 with SNG Board and Redesign staff. CDC members as of April 2024 are: Rebecca Blumenshine, Lisa Boehlke, Winston Calvert, Carissa Hansen, Steve McCauley, Sheldon Mains, Philipp Muessig, Michael Sedki, Pat Rosaves, Sara Rothholz Weiner (chair).
Agendas & Minutes