Updated: SNG Virtual Board Meeting March 25

Due to the coronavirus concerns and recommended social distancing, SNG will be have a virtual Board Meeting on Wednesday March 25 from 6:30 – 8:15 via the Zoom app.

Best way to join is on computer or smartphone (get the Zoom app).
Use headset (earbuds with a microphone for best sound quality), if you have one.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/415887073

Meeting ID: 415 887 073

One tap mobile  +13126266799,,415887073# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location  +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)


6:15 Virtual meeting will be activated 15 minutes before meeting start time to allow folks to troubleshoot / test their audio connections

6:30 Introductions with Icebreaker Question: What has been a positive aspect of (“silver lining”) or a way you’ve been coping with our current reality with COVID-19?

6:42 Agenda & Minutes Approval

6:45 AGRA development proposal for former Perkins site by Claire VanderEyk, Senior Development Associate, Newport Midwest (briefing of project proposal only with clarifying questions permitted; no time in tonight’s agenda for full community feedback – that will happen via an online survey launched during the week of March 30th and another virtual meeting open house during the week of April 6th)

7:10 Councilmember Update – if Gordon / Warsame attend, they can provide an update

7:15 Committee Motions


1 thoughts on “Updated: SNG Virtual Board Meeting March 25

  1. Pingback: Covid 19 Community Updates & Resources | Seward Neighborhood Group

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