The City of Minneapolis is asking for your input. As a resident, you have the right to shape the City’s plan for these important issues. Please use the information provided below to get involved, make your voice heard, and share these resources with others.
Climate Action Plan
Hennepin County has released a draft of our first Climate Action Plan (PDF). The county is gathering feedback on the plan through online meetings and a comment form through Wednesday, March 3.
Online community meetings
The county is holding two online meetings where county staff will present core goals and strategies. Anyone interested in the county’s response to climate change is encouraged to attend.
Using online facilitation tools, participants will complete polls about the goals and strategies, offer comments, and ask written questions that will be answered through a moderated process. Meetings will be held:
- Monday, February 22 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Monday, March 1 from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Sign up to attend a meeting now by completing the RSVP form.
Both sessions will have the same agenda, so you only need to attend one session. Information about how to access the meeting will be emailed a few days prior to the event.
Comment form
Individuals who wish to offer feedback on the plan but do not want to attend an online meeting may share their comments through an online feedback form.

Learn more
County staff will summarize the feedback and made final edits to the plan in March. The board would take up formal adoption of the plan, which will include a final public comment process, in April.
Read more about the plan development and previous community engagement efforts process at
Covid-19 Vaccination
Help the City, State and County plan to equitably distribute the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available later in 2021. Your perspectives are vital on:
· What vaccination means to you.
· Your concerns, hopes and suggestions
More information and the survey link can be found here.
Public comment period for new MPRB Comprehensive Plan, Parks for All, extended to July 18
At its Jan. 6, 2021 meeting, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) of Commissioners voted to extend the Parks for All public comment period by six months. The new deadline to send feedback on the draft plan is July 18, 2021
Parks for All will set MPRB priorities and policy direction for the next decade. Minneapolis community members, park users, MPRB staff and partners are encouraged to review the plan and send feedback before the comment period ends Sunday, July 18, 2021.
Your input is welcome whether you have been deeply involved in the planning process over the past two years or if you are hearing about this for the first time! There are numerous ways to learn about the plan and send feedback using the link below.
Draft Parks for All Plan
Following the public comment period, the draft plan will be revised based on public input and presented to MPRB Commissioners for review and approval. Share the Parks for All draft plan with your friends, family, neighbors or other networks using or
Learn About the Draft Plan
There are number of different ways to dive into the plan, including:
About Parks for All
The draft document will be the MPRB’s agency policy direction based on shared values with community, agency staff and elected officials.
It will provide guidance in developing policy, establishing or changing programs and services, setting the annual MPRB budget and creating park improvements over the next decade.
It is a tool for communicating to MPRB staff, commissioners and the general public about what the MPRB does and it values.
It will build on what works now while identifying gaps in programs, services and strategies that need to be filled in the next decade. Parks for All focuses on the park system as a whole, not specific recommendations for individual parks.
It will build from master plans, other policies and activity plans, strategic directions and the community input gained during the last two years of engagement across the system, all of which incorporate more specific recommendations.
To learn more about this project and others, visit
Ownership Survey
Answer this ownership interest survey to help direct future SNG initiatives and trainings: respond HERE.
What do you need to reduce food waste?
Take Hennepin County’s survey to share what would help you waste less food
We love food, which is why most of us hate seeing it go to waste. By taking steps to reduce food waste, you can ensure the money you spend on your food and the energy, land and water it takes to grow it and get it to you doesn’t go to waste. Reducing food waste is also one of the most important actions we can take to address climate change.
Help Hennepin County understand more about food waste so we can work together to reduce it! Take the 5 minute survey to provide insights into how you interact with food – from shopping, storage, cooking, and finally disposal – and how the county can support you in preventing food waste. Your responses will be used to create better resources that help residents reduce food waste.
This survey is open to all Hennepin County residents, with a special focus on getting responses from people living in multifamily housing. So if you live in an apartment building, please share this with your neighbors or ask your property manager to distribute it! Take the food waste survey now.