Seward Rebuild Fund – Final Report

Our local businesses were incredibly grateful for the support they received from the community via the Seward Rebuild Fund. Thank you again to everyone who donated! 

The following 30 businesses (or individual proprietors) each received an initial $500 from the Seward Rebuild Fund:

Alyssa Hill

Aribert Munzer

Art Pharm

Bab’s Casting

Birchwood Café

Chapman Repair

Chris Kvale Cycles

Coleman’s Copy Center  
Nguyen Architects, Inc.

Create Laser Arts

Dreamland Faces

Gargar Urgent Care and Clinic 
Seward Makes

Habitat for Humanity

Hexagon Bar

Ivy Arts Building (owned by Ariel, Inc.)

Kaleidoscope Healing Arts


Lakes Pharmacy

Photo Letter Project

Pita King

Riverside Shell

Sarah M. Holm

Seward Coop

Skol Liquor

Steve Sandberg

The Fashion Ration

The Turning Point Woodworks Inc.

Tobacco Plus Inc.

Vine Arts Center

The following businesses applied for and received additional funds (in the amounts listed):

Birchwood Cafe ($1,000)

Chapman Repair ($1,000)

Chris Kvale Cycles ($500)

Dreamland Faces ($1,000)

Gargar Urgent Care and Clinic ($2,150)

Hexagon Bar ($2,155)

Kaleidoscope Healing Arts ($1,000)

Lakes Pharmacy ($1,000)

Nguyen Architects, Inc. ($500)

Photo Letter Project ($1,000)

Pita King ($2,155)

Riverside Shell ($2,155)

Skol Liquour ($1,000)

The Turning Point Woodworks Inc. ($500)

Vine Arts Center ($2,000)

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