Equity Committee Meeting 1/15

Equity Committee

January 15, 2021 | 7pm 

Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84281246274


7:00 Welcome and Intros

  • Check that recording is started to the cloud
  • Call to order
  • Designate minute taker
  • Attendance:

7:10 Updates

  • Email vote approval of office signs to display and social media posts by Board of Directors 
    • Tiger motion: “I ask that the board of directors temporarily suspend the rules to give our ED: Sam Taitel the authorization to hang up posters in our office space, and to make social media posts endorsing the movement/affirmation “Black Lives Matter”. I also ask that the board of directors authorize future posts on related themes; left to the discretion of Sam Taitel, so long as she holds the title of Executive Director.”
  • Work Plan 2021: Create and implement a Communications & Outreach Plan
    • including translating/interpreting standard procedure for meetings

7:20 Election of Chair

7:30 Finalize name of Committee

7:35 Finalize meeting time

  • Proposed 2nd Friday of each month at 7pm

7:40 Draft/Plan SNG public statement regarding recent events

8:00 Discussion of Communications & Outreach Plan

  • In connection with engagement and representation of neighbors (primarily African immigrant and renters) North of Franklin


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