Three History Walks for July

by Rick Musser

Return to a bit normalcy with Seward History Committee’s summer walks in July. All walks begin at 7 p.m. All walks are on Wednesdays —with the exception of July 28 in order to allow Seward residents to participate in the voting for new SNG board members. All Seward residents are encouraged to vote on that Wednesday, as well as visit the Franklin Avenue walk on July 29th. This walk will give us an opportunity to strongly support the East African Business community.

The walks begin at various locations and are free. At the end of each walk a car will be available to take you back to the starting point.
July 14 Learn about the wide variety of housing styles built in the early years of the Seward neighborhood, including some houses that have special histories. Bob Mack, retired adjunct professor at the U of M and co-founder of McDonald and Mack Architects, will lead the tour. This walk will allow you to see some of the oldest and most unusual houses in Seward. We will meet at the small park at Milwaukee Avenue and East 22nd Street and walk east to 27th Ave.
July 21 Join us for a Garden tour in Seward East lead by Master Gardener Lou Ann Keleher. Visit special, unusual, and beautiful flower gardens created by passionate gardeners and meet some of them. We will assemble at 23rd Street and 33rd Avenue where it meets Minneapolis Ave.
July 29 Franklin Avenue past and present. What did Franklin Avenue look like in the past and who are today’s owners? We will walk the Avenue, learn about the past, talk to current owners, and taste some Eastern African Foods. Leader for this walk will be Hillary Oppman along with history committee members. We will assemble at Franklin Ave. and 31st. Bring some money to treat yourself and help Seward Businesses.

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